Not in any order:
- Cooks Illustrated. I love to cook, and even though nearly every recipe is incredibly labor intensive, the effort is always worth it.
- Knitting. Currently obsessed with brightly-colored, patterned cotton wash cloths. Instant gratification and so much fun.
- Play-off hockey. Let’s go Bs!
- Listening to Red Sox baseball on the radio (been tough lately but Dave O’Brien has a magic voice, evoking memories of Ned Martin and Curt Gowdy).
- Having my mom and dad live with me half the year. They will be home in just a little more than a week. Cannot wait!
- 80s alternative music. The Smiths, New Order, The Cure.
- My daughter. And the fact she has the same taste in music as I do. No Kiss 108 (retch) for us. ‘FNX all the way!
- The Eastern Yacht Club. So proud to be part of the history, and to contribute to the present.
- Flying to DC on US Airways. The nicest team, in the air and on the ground.
- My son. And the fact that his friends–sixteen year-olds–are always pleasant. Always polite. And always here…